Hat on Top, Coat Below


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new sweater smile

Welcome! I'm Karen (a.k.a. KarenD, because Karen was the third most popular name for girls in the decade of my birth, and there's usually more than one around wherever I am). My about me page spells out some of the wheres and whats of my life, but the short list is: Idaho, retired, interests include hiking, quilting, knitting, skiing downhill, traveling, cheese, staying married. I document my obsession with nail polish on Frazzle and Aniploish.

NOTE: On 24-Feb-2023, my archive plugin failed and WP freaked out and most of my content was unavailable for a while. I'm still working on that issue, but most pages are working fine now. In less recent news, there are still a few pages with wonky formatting and broken links that didn't make the transition to HTTPS: gracefully. Maybe I'll get around to fixing them one day.

Latest entries:

05 Sep 2024 - A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 35
28 Aug 2024 - A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 34
23 Aug 2024 - A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 33
21 Aug 2024 - A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 32
15 Aug 2024 - A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 31

Entry feeds: Atom  RSS 2.0

Other stuff:

About Me
My first entry explains why I'm doing this.
20 Questions overlaps the previous two links to some extent.
Family Photos
Who's Who
Quilts I've Made
Books I've Read (updated 5 Sep 2024)
Rings and Registries
My Photos at Flickr (most recent ones are friends only)

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